Thursday the 23rd Jan 2020 (written by Alina Siironen, Silja Siipola and Miika Suviola)

We started our day by going to Virtasali-auditorium to make some posters about how animals bring humans together. We did the posters in our national groups. After we had finished the posters, we went to the school to eat lunch. Then we went straight back to Virtasali and presented our survey results to the first-year upper secondary students . William gave all of us rewards for our hard work. 'Team hyggelig’ got also  Kinder chocolate eggs for winning the competitions we had in Rautio on Wednesday. 

In the evening we all went to the Upper Secondary School and ate some Finnish foods together, parents and students had made Finnish dishes and desserts for our guests. We also played some games and listened to live music, accordion performance. It was a nice ending for a nice project! After that we hung out with all the students for a little bit until we went back home so the exchange students could finish their packing and get some sleep before waking up early in the morning to leave Kalajoki and Finland.
